2021 NFL opponents determined

By Kevin Kelley -

The complete list of home and away 2021 NFL opponents has been determined following the completion of the 2020 regular-season.

Future NFL opponents are determined by a league rotation each year. The final two opponents are based on the league standings at the end of the season.

The 2021 season will likely feature the addition of a 17th opponent. However, the official announcement will not be made for a few weeks or months. Reports last year indicated that the extra game could be held at a neutral-site to keep the eight home, eight away scheduling balance.

The complete 2021 NFL schedule will likely be released in mid-to-late April, although it was released in May last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2021 season is tentatively scheduled to kick off on Thursday, September 9 and conclude with Super Bowl LVI at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, Calif., on Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022.

The NFL Playoff Schedule for the current season kicks off on Saturday, Jan. 9, 2021, at 1:05pm ET with the Buffalo Bills hosting the Indianapolis Colts in a Wild-Card Round matchup.



Buffalo Bills

Home: Dolphins, Patriots, Jets, Texans, Colts, Falcons, Panthers, Steelers

Away: Dolphins, Patriots, Jets, Jaguars, Titans, Saints, Buccaneers, Chiefs

Miami Dolphins

Home: Bills, Jets, Patriots, Colts, Texans, Panthers, Falcons, Ravens

Away: Bills, Jets, Patriots, Jaguars, Titans, Buccaneers, Saints, Raiders

New England Patriots

Home: Bills, Jets, Dolphins, Jaguars, Titans, Buccaneers, Saints, Browns

Away: Bills, Jets, Dolphins, Colts, Texans, Falcons, Panthers, Chargers

NY Jets

Home: Bills, Dolphins, Patriots, Jaguars, Titans, Saints, Buccaneers, Bengals

Away: Bills, Dolphins, Patriots, Texans, Colts, Falcons, Panthers, Broncos


Baltimore Ravens

Home: Bengals, Browns, Steelers, Chiefs, Chargers, Packers, Vikings, Colts

Away: Bengals, Browns, Steelers, Raiders, Broncos, Lions, Bears, Dolphins

Cincinnati Bengals

Home: Ravens, Browns, Steelers, Chiefs, Chargers, Packers, Vikings, Jaguars

Away: Ravens, Browns, Steelers, Raiders, Broncos, Lions, Bears, Jets

Cleveland Browns

Home: Bengals, Ravens, Steelers, Raiders, Broncos, Lions, Bears, Texans

Away: Bengals, Ravens, Steelers, Chiefs, Chargers, Packers, Vikings, Patriots

Pittsburgh Steelers

Home: Bengals, Browns, Ravens, Broncos, Raiders, Bears, Lions, Titans

Away: Bengals, Browns, Ravens, Chiefs, Chargers, Packers, Vikings, Bills


Houston Texans

Home: Colts, Jaguars, Titans, Patriots, Jets, Rams, Seahawks, Chargers

Away: Colts, Jaguars, Titans, Bills, Dolphins, 49ers, Cardinals, Browns

Indianapolis Colts

Home: Jaguars, Titans, Texans, Patriots, Jets, Rams, Seahawks, Raiders

Away: Jaguars, Titans, Texans, Bills, Dolphins, Cardinals, 49ers, Ravens

Jacksonville Jaguars

Home: Colts, Texans, Titans, Bills, Dolphins, Cardinals, 49ers, Broncos

Away: Colts, Texans, Titans, Jets, Patriots, Rams, Seahawks, Bengals

Tennessee Titans

Home: Jaguars, Colts, Texans, Bills, Dolphins, Cardinals, 49ers, Chiefs

Away: Jaguars, Colts, Texans, Patriots, Jets, Rams, Seahawks, Steelers


Denver Broncos

Home: Chiefs, Raiders, Chargers, Ravens, Bengals, Eagles, Washington, Jets

Away: Chiefs, Raiders, Chargers, Steelers, Browns, Giants, Cowboys, Jaguars

Kansas City Chiefs

Home: Broncos, Raiders, Chargers, Steelers, Browns, Cowboys, Giants, Bills

Away: Broncos, Raiders, Chargers, Ravens, Bengals, Eagles, Washington, Titans

LA Chargers

Home: Chiefs, Raiders, Broncos, Browns, Steelers, Cowboys, Giants, Patriots

Away: Chiefs, Raiders, Broncos, Ravens, Bengals, Eagles, Washington, Texans

Las Vegas Raiders

Home: Chiefs, Broncos, Chargers, Ravens, Bengals, Eagles, Washington, Dolphins

Away: Chiefs, Broncos, Chargers, Steelers, Browns, Giants, Cowboys, Colts


Dallas Cowboys

Home: Washington, Giants, Eagles, Falcons, Panthers, Raiders, Broncos, Cardinals

Away: Washington, Giants, Eagles, Saints, Buccaneers, Chiefs, Chargers, Vikings

NY Giants

Home: Cowboys, Washington, Eagles, Falcons, Panthers, Raiders, Broncos, Rams

Away: Cowboys, Washington, Eagles, Buccaneers, Saints, Chiefs, Chargers, Bears

Philadelphia Eagles

Home: Cowboys, Giants, Washington, Saints, Buccaneers, Chiefs, Chargers, 49ers

Away: Cowboys, Giants, Washington, Falcons, Panthers, Raiders, Broncos, Lions

Washington Football Team

Home: Cowboys, Giants, Eagles, Saints, Buccaneers, Chiefs, Chargers, Seahawks

Away: Cowboys, Giants, Eagles, Falcons, Panthers, Raiders, Broncos, Packers


Chicago Bears

Home: Packers, Lions, Vikings, Cardinals, 49ers, Ravens, Bengals, Giants

Away: Packers, Lions, Vikings, Rams, Seahawks, Steelers, Browns, Buccaneers

Detroit Lions

Home: Bears, Packers, Vikings, Cardinals, 49ers, Ravens, Bengals, Eagles

Away: Bears, Packers, Vikings, Rams, Seahawks, Steelers, Browns, Falcons

Green Bay Packers

Home: Bears, Lions, Vikings, Rams, Seahawks, Browns, Steelers, Washington

Away: Bears, Lions, Vikings, Cardinals, 49ers, Ravens, Bengals, Saints

Minnesota Vikings

Home: Bears, Lions, Packers, Rams, Seahawks, Steelers, Browns, Cowboys

Away: Bears, Lions, Packers, Cardinals, 49ers, Ravens, Bengals, Panthers


Atlanta Falcons

Home: Panthers, Saints, Buccaneers, Washington, Eagles, Patriots, Jets, Lions

Away: Panthers, Saints, Buccaneers, Giants, Cowboys, Bills, Dolphins, 49ers

Carolina Panthers

Home: Falcons, Saints, Buccaneers, Washington, Eagles, Patriots, Jets, Vikings

Away: Falcons, Saints, Buccaneers, Giants, Cowboys, Bills, Dolphins, Cardinals

New Orleans Saints

Home: Panthers, Falcons, Buccaneers, Cowboys, Giants, Dolphins, Bills, Packers

Away: Panthers, Falcons, Buccaneers, Eagles, Washington, Patriots, Jets, Seahawks

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Home: Panthers, Saints, Falcons, Cowboys, Giants, Dolphins, Bills, Bears

Away: Panthers, Saints, Falcons, Eagles, Washington, Patriots, Jets, Rams


Arizona Cardinals

Home: Seahawks, Rams, 49ers, Packers, Vikings, Texans, Colts, Panthers

Away: Seahawks, Rams, 49ers, Lions, Bears, Jaguars, Titans, Cowboys

LA Rams

Home: Seahawks, 49ers, Cardinals, Bears, Lions, Jaguars, Titans, Buccaneers

Away: Seahawks, 49ers, Cardinals, Packers, Vikings, Texans, Colts, Giants

San Francisco 49ers

Home: Seahawks, Rams, Cardinals, Packers, Vikings, Texans, Colts, Falcons

Away: Seahawks, Rams, Cardinals, Lions, Bears, Jaguars, Titans, Eagles

Seattle Seahawks

Home: 49ers, Rams, Cardinals, Bears, Lions, Jaguars, Titans, Saints

Away: 49ers, Rams, Cardinals, Packers, Vikings, Texans, Colts, Washington

Comments (2)

If a 17th game is scheduled the owners to approve the follwoing formula according to the NFL website.

“Each team would play an extra interconference matchup — AFC vs. NFC — based on divisional standings from the preceding season and on a rotating divisional basis.”

My 17th game prediction for 2021 would be for the AFC-NFC matchups to go like this. I think the divisions that played each other two years ago will be the ones that play each other according to the standings. This way you will still play every non-conference team once every 4 years but then no potential for back to back years playing the same team (for the 17th game).

This is just a prediction. By no means is this fact. The home/away aspect of it would have to be figured out as well. I imagine the AFC teams would all be home one year, followed by the NFC the next year.

So it would be for 2021

So if you go by standings, here are your 17th games for 2021.


Let’s see if I am right. Cowboys/Pats and Packers/Chiefs would be some big name games. There are some other good ones on that list too. It’ll be nice to see some more AFC-NFC matchups.