The ACC has announced a 12-year schedule for rotating crossover opponents, which completes the future conference football schedules through 2024.
When the newly released rotation for the crossover opponents is combined with the ACC home-away release from January, the future ACC schedules can be seen in their entirety (see below).
The conference will still play an 8-game football schedule. Here are the details:
- Each ACC school will play eight conference games annually, four at home and four on the road.
- Each ACC school will play three home divisional games and three on the road.
- Each ACC school will play one home cross divisional game and one road cross divisional game. When schools will play their permanent crossover opponent at home, they will play their rotating crossover opponent on the road and vice versa.
- Within each division, all teams will either play all of their primary crossover games at home or away in a given year with all of the rotating crossover opponents all played at home or away.
- Each ACC school will play all of their rotating crossover opponents twice during the 12-year rotation, once at home and once on the road, but not consecutively.
Bold: Rotating Cross-Division Opponent
Italics: Permanent Cross-Division Opponent
Home: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, Pittsburgh
Road: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Home: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Road: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, Duke
Home: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, Georgia Tech
Road: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Home: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Road: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, Virginia
Home: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Road: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Home: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Road: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, Pittsburgh
Home: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina
Road: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Home: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Road: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, Georgia Tech
Home: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, Duke
Road: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Home: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Road: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Home: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, Virginia
Road: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Home: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, North Carolina
Road: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Home: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Road: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Home: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Pittsburgh
Road: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Home: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Road: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Virginia Tech
Home: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Duke
Road: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Home: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Road: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, North Carolina
Home: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Virginia
Road: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Home: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Road: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Pittsburgh
Home: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Road: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Home: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Road: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Duke
Home: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Virginia Tech
Road: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Home: North Carolina, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Road: Georgia Tech, Miami (FL), Pittsburgh, Syracuse
Home: Georgia Tech, Miami (FL), Pittsburgh, Boston College
Road: North Carolina, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Home: North Carolina, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Road: Georgia Tech, Miami (FL), Pittsburgh, Louisville
Home: Georgia Tech, Miami (FL), Pittsburgh, Florida State
Road: North Carolina, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Home: North Carolina, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Road: Georgia Tech, Miami (FL), Pittsburgh, Clemson
Home: Georgia Tech, Miami (FL), Pittsburgh, Syracuse
Road: North Carolina, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Home: North Carolina, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Road: Georgia Tech, Miami (FL), Pittsburgh, NC State
Home: Georgia Tech, Miami (FL), Pittsburgh, Louisville
Road: North Carolina, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Home: North Carolina, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Road: Georgia Tech, Miami (FL), Pittsburgh, Boston College
Home: Georgia Tech, Miami (FL), Pittsburgh, Clemson
Road: North Carolina, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Home: North Carolina, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Road: Georgia Tech, Miami (FL), Pittsburgh, Florida State
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Virginia
Road: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Home: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, North Carolina
Road: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Home: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Duke
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Road: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Home: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Virginia
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Road: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Home: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, North Carolina
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Road: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Home: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Duke
Road: Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Home: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Road: North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Home: North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, Florida State
Road: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Home: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Road: North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, Boston College
Home: North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Road: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Home: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Road: North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, Louisville
Home: North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Road: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Home: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Road: North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Home: North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, Boston College
Road: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Home: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Road: North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, Florida State
Home: North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, Louisville
Road: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Home: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Road: North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Home: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Miami (FL)
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Road: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Home: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Duke
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Road: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, North Carolina
Home: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Road: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Miami (FL)
Home: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Road: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Duke
Home: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Road: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Home: Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, North Carolina
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Home: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Road: Georgia Tech, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Louisville
Home: Georgia Tech, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Clemson
Road: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Home: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Road: Georgia Tech, Virginia, Virginia Tech, NC State
Home: Georgia Tech, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Road: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Home: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Road: Georgia Tech, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Boston College
Home: Georgia Tech, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Louisville
Road: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Home: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Road: Georgia Tech, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Home: Georgia Tech, Virginia, Virginia Tech, NC State
Road: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Home: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Road: Georgia Tech, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Clemson
Home: Georgia Tech, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Boston College
Road: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Home: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Road: Georgia Tech, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Home: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Road: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina
Home: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina
Road: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Home: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Miami (FL)
Road: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina
Home: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina
Road: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Home: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Virginia
Road: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina
Home: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina
Road: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech
Home: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Duke
Road: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina
Home: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina
Road: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Miami (FL)
Home: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech
Road: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina
Home: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina
Road: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Virginia
Home: Boston College, Florida State, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Road: Clemson, Louisville, Syracuse, North Carolina
Home: Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Road: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Home: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Wake Forest
Road: Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Home: Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Road: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Florida State
Home: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Louisville
Road: Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Home: Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Road: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Syracuse
Home: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Clemson
Road: Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Home: Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Road: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Boston College
Home: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Florida State
Road: Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Home: Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Road: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Wake Forest
Home: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Syracuse
Road: Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Home: Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Virginia Tech, NC State
Road: Duke, Miami (FL), Virginia, Louisville
Home: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Road: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Virginia, Boston College
Home: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Virginia, Louisville
Road: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Home: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Road: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Virginia, Clemson
Home: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Virginia, NC State
Road: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Home: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Road: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Virginia, Wake Forest
Home: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Virginia, Boston College
Road: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Home: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Road: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Virginia, Florida State
Home: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Virginia, Clemson
Road: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Home: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Road: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Virginia, Louisville
Home: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Virginia, Wake Forest
Road: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Home: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Road: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Virginia, NC State
Home: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Road: Florida state, Louisville, NC State, Virginia
Home: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Virginia Tech
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Road: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Miami (FL)
Home: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, North Carolina
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Road: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
Home: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Georgia Tech
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Road: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Virginia Tech
Home: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Virginia
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Road: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, North Carolina
Home: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Miami (FL)
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Wake Forest, Pittsburgh
Home: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Louisville
Road: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Florida State
Home: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Road: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Louisville
Home: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Louisville
Road: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Home: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Boston College
Road: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Louisville
Home: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Louisville
Road: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, NC State
Home: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Florida State
Road: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Louisville
Home: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Louisville
Road: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Clemson
Home: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest
Road: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Louisville
Home: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Louisville
Road: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Syracuse
Home: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, NC State
Road: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Louisville
Home: Miami (FL), North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Louisville
Road: Duke, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Boston College
Home: Georgia Tech, Miami, Virginia, Boston College
Road: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Wake Forest
Home: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, NC State
Road: Georgia Tech, Miami, Virginia, Boston College
Home: Georgia Tech, Miami, Virginia, Boston College
Road: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Syracuse
Home: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Clemson
Road: Georgia Tech, Miami, Virginia, Boston College
Home: Georgia Tech, Miami, Virginia, Boston College
Road: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Home: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Wake Forest
Road: Georgia Tech, Miami, Virginia, Boston College
Home: Georgia Tech, Miami, Virginia, Boston College
Road: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Louisville
Home: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Syracuse
Road: Georgia Tech, Miami, Virginia, Boston College
Home: Georgia Tech, Miami, Virginia, Boston College
Road: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, NC State
Home: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Florida State
Road: Georgia Tech, Miami, Virginia, Boston College
Home: Georgia Tech, Miami, Virginia, Boston College
Road: Duke, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Clemson
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia Tech
Road: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
Home: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, North Carolina
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Road: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
Home: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Georgia Tech
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Pittsburgh
Road: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
Home: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia Tech
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Miami (FL)
Road: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
Home: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Virginia
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, North Carolina
Road: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
Home: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
Road: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Pittsburgh
Home: Boston College, Clemson, Syracuse, Georgia Tech
Road: Florida State, Louisville, NC State, Duke
why is no one complaining that they should be playing 9 conference games? just because they play ND doesn’t mean they shouldn’t…
Lets take FSU for example…in a given year if they play 8 conference games and then they play both ND and UofF then they would have only two more games to schedule? Nine games in conference would get too tight for some teams like FSU, Clemson, Louisville, GT, BC, and other schools that already have some regular yearly scheduled games that are Out-of-Conf.
With ND added in the mix – 9 games is just too much… Complaining does not change that.
not really complaining. just saying since all the drama is being thrown at the SEC for 8 games, why not the ACC? I see the reasons why for both conferences. just saying…
I am a huge fan of the ACC and Pac 12. I agree that the ACC should play a 9 game schedule like the Pac 12 has for years now. The conferences are so big now it is not a good system to play 8 teams in your conference and miss playing 5 of them each year. How do you crown and true conference champion when you miss playing so many teams in your same conf. But I love football so much I will continue to complain but continue to watch!!
There are a lot of issues there. Five teams will play Notre Dame each year, plus four teams play SEC rivals each season. A nine-game schedule where you also get ND plus your SEC game would be rough, plus you may not get the # of home games you want.
8 games will give them more flexibility, but then they see cross-division opponents less often.
As a B1G guy this is easy for me to say, but an 8-game schedule in the ACC I think is less of a problem than the SEC or B1G. There has been so much change and turnover in the conference that you’re simply not missing out on as many traditional and/or eyeball-catching match-ups. UNC/Clemson seems to be the only longtime matchup that anyone might really care about that won’t be played annually. And heck, I don’t know how important that match-up is to the team’s fanbases, other than it’s obviously not either team’s #1 rivalry.
With any conference, any scheduling format that encourages more intersectional, OOC games is a format that I’m in favor of.
Duke and NC State are about 25 miles apart. Yet they play once every 6 years.
The ACC is the 5th best Power Conference. In other words you have the 4 Power Conferences, then you have the ACC. Except for a few matchups, all you will be seeing from 2013-2024 is 14 teams in a mediocre Conference.
Wow, you are really smart. You already know the ACC will remain a down conference for the next 12 years. Why even watch any games when you know all this!
LOL Bill!!!
8 game conference schedule in the ACC is pretty lame. You’re only looking at playing ND once every 3 years. That leaves the average ACC team with 8 ooc openings in a 3 year cycle if they moved to 9 conference games. FSU/Clem would still be left with five. That’s no different than what TCU, USC, Iowa State & Stanford make due without complaint.
Wouldn;t it have made sense to release 2014 through 2025, rather than through 2024, and include the completion of a home and home with every school?
It actually starts this year, which makes it a 12-year rotation. Louisville coming in 2014 messed it up slightly.
I think there should be 9 conference games and 4 non-conference games and that would make it a 13 game season and I think its time for a 13-game regular season in college football
strangely enough the scheduling gets much better with 16 team conferences.. The problem is having too many teams you play every year. With 16 teams you have Pods of 4 and must play 3 in pod games plus a couple permanent cross pod games.. leaving 3 rotating games to the remaining 10 teams and not 1 rotating game for 6 cross division games.
The other solution I think works is getting rid of divisions and and playing 4 permanent “rivals” hand picked and 4 rotating games.. Top two teams play in a conf champ game. I know I know.. its not ideal but from an entertaining perspective you can insure the best match-ups happen consistently.
Your views sounds better than the format in place for now!
I feel the same way about having no divisions, 4 permanent and 4 rotating teams. It’s easier to play the other teams in the conference that way. What’s the point in playing in a conference if it takes 6 years to play every member? But I think we should expand the playoffs, and abolish the conference ship games. The ship games hurt the conference’s playoff chances.
Like I said, a mediocre conference. 3-13 BCS record. Probably will be tough for an ACC team to get into the 4 team playoff, unless an ACC team goes undefeated, and an team from the Big 10, Big 12, SEC, and PAC 12, have one or 2 losses. No team with 2 losses, should ever be considered in a 4 team playoff!
I think that Notredame and south Florida should join the Acc when Maryland joins the big Ten
Georgia Tech and FSU should play more regularly than every 7 years. That makes no sense. The ACC should do more to foster natural (and, in this case, deep South) rivalries for FSU, who is likely to leave for the SEC one day.
Lyle, you made a 12-year prediction at the beginning of year 1 (June 2013). It is now close to the end of year 1 (December 2013), and let’s see how you’re doing so far:
The Mediocre ACC has Mediocre Florida State at #1, and one win away from the National Championship Game against an overrated Ohio State team. Only Michigan State can save the Buckeyes (by knocking them off) or maybe Auburn (by leapfrogging the Buckeyes to the National Title Game). Doesn’t look too good for your prediction.
Don’t get me wrong. There’s TONS of mediocaty in the ACC. As a Pitt alum, I can tell you that Pitt and Syracuse has changed the ACC from a mediocre conference to…a SLIGHTLY LARGER mediocre conference. :-D That said, at some time over 12 years somebody out of 14 teams is bound to get good, as FSU has shown this year.
Is there really a need for the permanent crossover opponent anymore? I think the time has come to lock in the division opponents but rotate all the crossover opponents in fairness to each school in both divisions. Permanent cross over opponents is an idea that flopped.
Plus, I don’t have a problem with 9 conference games per year as long as the inter-conference games are “protected” by the scheduling of open date or push over the week before like the SEC does.
So are NFL scouts and GM’s dopes because since 2005 only the SEC has sent more players to the NFL.
SEC: 330
ACC: 281
Big 10: 251
Pac 10/12: 246
Big 12: 226